B.E. Productions Dance Company

Monica Buckner - B.E. Productions
photography by Shanwa Skelton
Founded in 2004 by co-artistic directors Rebecca Levy and Eryn Schon, B.E. Productions aims to challenge the boundaries of dance as an art form. Levy and Schon frequently collaborate with other artists and dance companies to make work that is physical in execution, provocative in intent, and electric in source. Praised on both coasts for its power, elegance and originality, their work explores not only what connects people but also what divides them.
Currently, the company is taking a sabbatical. If you have questions about the company's work past or future please feel free to contact us.
"And in the evening's other standout piece, Rebecca Levy and Eryn Schon understood formal structure, human relationships and male energy well enough to make 'Willingly Disposed' an intriguing character study."
--Los Angeles TImes